december 27, 2022

11:17pm i forgot i had this and i didnt write anything for a long while oops;nothing really to say though so its not like some huge thing happened and i didnt document it. uhhhhh what to put here im Zzzzz the tour is over n my life is boring and suuucks and yeah. its my bday soon not really that excited to be honest not really excited about anything. i didnt end up running away cause i chickened out but also cause it was too cold but i will probably do it when the time is right because i still want to. This is a boring blog entry. cool blog entries would be made by highschoolers talking about their crush looked at them in math class or something. oh i just got the idea to have a dream jorunal on here oh..would be bad maybe though cause most of them are bad.....ok secret link on the site maybe. i was gonna put a secret poems page too just to have a place where they all are. idk. idk what else to put on here. ok bye.